General Guidelines

Below you can find general development guidelines for putting together your SODAR Core based site.

  • We recommend following best practices from Two Scoops where applicable.

  • To maintain consistency, app packages should be named without delimiting characters, e.g. projectroles and userprofile.

  • It is recommended to add a “Projectroles dependency” comment when directly importing e.g. mixins or tags from the projectroles app.

  • Hard-coded imports from apps other than projectroles should in most cases be avoided. Instead of hard imports, you should use the plugin structure. This helps maintain the possibility to dynamically include or exclude applications. See the example_backend_app for an example.

  • Using Bootstrap 4 classes together with SODAR specific overrides and extensions provided in projectroles.js is recommended. A full layout style guide will be provided in the future.

  • It is strongly recommended to pin your site’s dependencies, including the django-sodar-core package, to a specific version number. Breaking changes may occur unexpectedly in projects of this scale and pulling latest versions of dependencies upon e.g. deployment may result in unexpected behaviour or errors.