Welcome to the SODAR Core documentation!

SODAR Core is a framework for Django web application development. It was conceived to facilitate the creation of scientific data management and analysis web applications (but can be useful in other contexts as well).

How to read this manual?

There is two ways:

Front to Back

If you have the time and patience, reading the whole manual will teach you everything.

Jump Around (recommended)

Start with For the Impatient, skim over the summary of each app, and explore what interests you most.

What’s inside SODAR Core?

The full list of apps are shown in the table of contents (on the left if you are reading the HTML version of this documentation) and here are some highlights:

  • Project-based user access control

  • Dynamic app content management

  • Advanced project activity logging

  • Small file uploading and browsing

  • Managing server-side background jobs

  • Caching and aggregation of data from external services

  • Tracking site information and statistics

What’s inside this documentation?

Overview & Getting Started

This part aims at getting you an birds-eye view of SODAR Core and its usage.

SODAR Core Apps

This part documents each Django app that ships with SODAR. As a reminder, in Django development, apps are re-useable modules with code for supporting a certain use case.

Project Info

This part of the documentation provides meta information about the project and the full changelog.

What’s not inside this documentation?

You should know the following before this documentation is useful to you:

Python Programming

There’s tons of documentation on the internet but the official Python documentation is a good starting point as any.

Django Development

For learning about Django, head over to the excellent documentation of the Django Project.

HTML / Javascript / CSS / Bootstrap 4

Together with Django, SODAR Core provides a framework to plug in your own HTML and related front-end code. We assume that you have web development experience and in particular know your way around Bootstrap 4.

We’re using the Bootstrap 4 CSS framework and you can learn about it in many places including the official documentation


You can find the official version of this documentation at readthedocs.io. If you view these files on GitHub, beware that their renderer does not render the ReStructuredText files correctly and content may be missing.

Indices and tables