General Resources

Via the projectroles app, SODAR Core provides optional features, APIs and templates for common functionality and layout regardless of the app type. These resources are described in this document.


To use icons in your apps, use the iconify class along with the collection and icon name into the data-icon attribute. See Iconify and django-iconify documentation for further information.


<i class="iconify" data-icon="mdi:home"></i>

Also make sure to modify the icon attribute of your app plugins to include the full collection:name syntax for Iconify icons.

In certain client side Javascript implementations in which icons are loaded or replaced dynamically, you may have to refer to these URLs as a direct img element:

<img src="/icons/mdi/home.svg" />

For modifiers such as color and size when using img tags, see here.

SODAR Core uses the Material Design Icons collection for its own apps. You can also use additional collections supported by Iconify on your site by retrieving them with the geticons management command. Multiple collections can be downloaded with a single command, as seen in the example below. Make sure to run collectstatic after this command.

$ ./ geticons -c collection1 collection2
$ ./ collectstatic


This section contains guidelines for implementing forms.

Form Base Classes

Although not required, it is recommended to use common SODAR Core base classes with built-in helpers for your Django forms. SODARForm and SODARModelForm extend Django’s Form and ModelForm respectively. These base classes can be imported from projectroles.forms. Currently they add logging to add_error() calls, which helps administrators track form issues encountered by users. Further improvements are to be added in the future.

SODAR User Selection Field

Projectroles offers a custom field, widget and accompanying Ajax API views for autocomplete-enabled selection of SODAR users in Django forms. The field will handle providing appropriate choices according to the view context and user permissions, also allowing for customization.

The recommended way to use the built-in user form field is by using the SODARUserChoiceField class found in projectroles.forms. The field extends Django’s ModelChoiceField and takes most of the same keyword arguments in its init function, with the exception of queryset, to_field_name, limit_choices_to and widget which will be overridden.

The init function also takes new arguments which are specified below:

  • scope: Scope of users to include (string)
    • all: All users on the site

    • project: Limit search to users in given project

    • project_exclude Exclude existing users of given project

  • project: Project object or project UUID string (optional)

  • exclude: List of User objects or User UUIDs to exclude (optional)

  • forward: Parameters to forward to autocomplete view (optional)

  • url: Autocomplete ajax class override (optional)

  • widget_class: Widget class override (optional)

Below is an example of the classes usage. Note that you can also define the field as a form class member, but the project or exclude values are not definable at that point. The following example assumes you are setting up your project app form with an extra project argument.

from projectroles.forms import SODARUserChoiceField

class YourForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        # ...
    def __init__(self, project, *args, **kwargs):
        # ...
        self.fields['user'] = SODARUserChoiceField(
            help_text='Select user for your thing here',

For more examples of usage of this field and its widget, see projectroles.forms. If the field class does not suit your needs, you can also retrieve the related widget to your own field with projectroles.forms.get_user_widget().

The following django-autocomplete-light and select2 CSS and Javascript links have to be added to the HTML template that includes the form with your user selection field:

{% block javascript %}
  {{ block.super }}
  <!-- DAL for autocomplete widgets -->
  <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'autocomplete_light/jquery.init.js' %}"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'autocomplete_light/autocomplete.init.js' %}"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'autocomplete_light/vendor/select2/dist/js/select2.full.js' %}"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'autocomplete_light/select2.js' %}"></script>
{% endblock javascript %}

{% block css %}
  {{ block.super }}
  <!-- Select2 theme -->
  <link href="{% static 'autocomplete_light/vendor/select2/dist/css/select2.min.css' %}" rel="stylesheet" />
{% endblock css %}

If using a customized widget with its own Javascript, include the corresponding JS file instead of autocomplete_light/select2.js. See the django-autocomplete-light documentation for more information on how to customize your autocomplete-widget.


For fields supporting markdown, it is recommended to use the SODARPagedownWidget found in projectroles.models.

App Setting API

For accessing and modifying app settings for project or site apps, you should use the AppSettingAPI. Below is an example of invoking the API. For the full API docs, see Projectroles Django API Documentation.

from projectroles.app_settings import AppSettingAPI
app_settings = AppSettingAPI()
app_settings.get_app_setting('app_name', 'setting_name', project_object)  # Etc..

See the app settings API documentation for detailed instructions for using the API.

Pagination Template

A common template for adding navigation for list pagination can be found in projectroles/_pagination.html. This can be included to any Django ListView template which provides the paginate_by definition, enabling pagination. If a smaller layout is desired, the pg_small argument can be used. An example can be seen below:

{% include 'projectroles/_pagination.html' with pg_small=True %}

Tour Help

SODAR Core uses Shepherd to present an optional interactive tour for a rendered page. To enable the tour in your template, set it up inside the javascript template block. Within an inline javascript strucure, set the tourEnabled variable to true and add steps according to the Shepherd documentation.


{% block javascript %}
  {{ block.super }}

  {# Tour content #}
  <script type="text/javascript">
    tourEnabled = true;

    /* Normal step */
    tour.addStep('id_of_step', {
        title: 'Step Title',
        text: 'Description of the step',
        attachTo: '#some-element top',
        advanceOn: '.docs-link click',
        showCancelLink: true

    /* Conditional step */
    if ($('.potentially-existing-element').length) {
        tour.addStep('id_of_another_step', {
            title: 'Another Title',
            text: 'Another description here',
            attachTo: '.potentially-existing-element right',
            advanceOn: '.docs-link click',
            showCancelLink: true

{% endblock javascript %}


Make sure you call {{ block.super }} at the start of the declared javascript block or you will overwrite the site’s default Javascript setup!

Management Command Logger

When developing management commands for your apps, you may want to log certain events while also ensuring relevant output is provided to the administrator issuing a command. For this SODAR Core provides the ManagementCommandLogger class. It can be called like the standard Python logger with shortcut commands such as info(), debug() etc. If you need to access the actual Python logger being used, you can access it via ManagementCommandLogger.logger. Example of logger usage can be seen below.

from import ManagementCommandLogger
logger = ManagementCommandLogger(__name__)'Testing')


The use of this logger class assumes your site sets up logging simlarly to the example site and the SODAR Django Site template, including the use of a LOGGING_LEVEL Django settings variable.


To disable redundant console output from commands using this logger in e.g. your site’s test configuration, you can set the LOGGING_DISABLE_CMD_OUTPUT Django setting to True.


SODAR Core provides a range of ready made testing classes and mixins for different aspects of SODAR app testing, from user permissions to UI testing. See projectroles.tests for different base classes.

Test Settings

SODAR Core provides settings for configuring your UI tests, if using the base UI test classes found in projectroles.tests.test_ui. Default values for these settings can be found in config/settings/ The settins are as follows:

  • PROJECTROLES_TEST_UI_CHROME_OPTIONS: Options for Chrome through Selenium. Can be used to e.g. enable/disable headless testing mode.

  • PROJECTROLES_TEST_UI_WINDOW_SIZE: Custom browser window size.

  • PROJECTROLES_TEST_UI_WAIT_TIME: Maximum wait time for UI test operations

  • PROJECTROLES_TEST_UI_LEGACY_LOGIN: If set True, use the legacy UI login and redirect function for testing with different users. This can be used if e.g. issues with cookie-based logins are encountered.

Base Test Classes and Helpers

For base classes and mixins with useful helpers, see the projectroles.tests modules. The test cases also provide useful examples on how to set up your own tests.


For REST API testing, SODAR Core uses separate base test classes for the internal SODAR Core API, and the API views implemented in the actual site built on SODAR Core. For the API views in your site, make sure to test them using e.g. TestAPIViewsBase and not TestCoreAPIViewsBase.


Debugging helpers and tips are detailed in this section.

Profiling Middleware

SODAR Core provides a cProfile using profiler for tracing back sources of page loading slowdowns. To enable the profiler middleware, include projectroles.middleware.ProfilerMiddleware in MIDDLEWARE under your site configuration. It is recommended to use a settings variable for this similar to the example site configuration, where PROJECTROLES_ENABLE_PROFILING controls this.

Once enabled, adding the ?prof query string attribute to and URL displays the profiling information.