Userprofile App

The userprofile app is a site app which provides a user profile view for projectroles compatible Django users and management of user specific settings.


It is strongly recommended to install the userprofile app into your site when using projectroles, unless you require a specific user profile providing app of your own.


To install this app you must have the django-sodar-core package installed and the projectroles app integrated into your Django site. See the projectroles integration document for instructions.

Django Settings

The userprofile app is available for your Django site after installing django-sodar-core. Add the app into THIRD_PARTY_APPS as follows:

    # ...

URL Configuration

In the Django URL configuration file, add the following line under urlpatterns to include userprofile URLs in your site.

urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    url(r'^user/', include('userprofile.urls')),

Register Plugin

To register the app plugin, run the following management command:

$ ./ syncplugins

You should see the following output:

Registering Plugin for userprofile.plugins.ProjectAppPlugin


After successful installation, the link for “User Profile” should be available in the user dropdown menu in the top-right corner of the website UI after you have logged in.

User Settings

User settings are configured in the app_settings dictionary in your project app plugins.

User settings defined in the projectroles app, available for all SODAR Core using sites:

Receive Email for Admin Alerts

Receive email for admin alerts.

Display Project UUID Copying Link

If set true, display a link in the project title bar for copying the project UUID into the clipboard.

Receive Email for Project Updates

Receive email notifications for project or category creation, updating, moving and archiving.

Receive Email for Project Membership Updates

Receive email notifications for project or category membership updates and invitation activity.

In the development setup, the SODAR Core example site apps also provide additional settings for demonstrating settings features.

Additional Emails

The user can configure additional emails for their user account in case they want to receive automated emails to addresses other than their primary address. The user profile view displays additional emails and provides controls for managing these addresses.


Managing addresses is only possible on a source site. On a target site, emails will be visible but not mofifiable.

A new additional email address can be added with a form accessible by clicking on the Add Email button. After creation, a verification email will be sent to the specified address. Opening a link contained in the email and logging into the site will verify the email. Only verified email addresses will receive automated emails from the site.

For each email address displayed in the list, there are controls to re-send the verification email (in case of an unverified email) and deleting the address.