Source code for projectroles.utils

import random
import string

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import timezone

from .constants import get_sodar_constants

# Settings

# SODAR constants
SODAR_CONSTANTS = get_sodar_constants()

[docs]def get_display_name(key, title=False, count=1, plural=False): """ Return display name from SODAR_CONSTANTS. :param key: Key in SODAR_CONSTANTS['DISPLAY_NAMES'] to return (string) :param title: Return name in title case if true (boolean, optional) :param count: Item count for returning plural form, overrides plural=False if not 1 (int, optional) :param plural: Return plural form if True, overrides count != 1 if True (boolean, optional) :return: String """ ret = SODAR_CONSTANTS['DISPLAY_NAMES'][key][ 'plural' if count != 1 or plural else 'default' ] return ret.lower() if not title else ret.title()
[docs]def get_user_display_name(user, inc_user=False): """ Return full name of user for displaying. :param user: User object :param inc_user: Include user name if true (boolean) :return: String """ if != '': return + (' (' + user.username + ')' if inc_user else '') # If full name can't be found, return username return user.username
[docs]def build_secret(length=SECRET_LENGTH): """ Return secret string for e.g. public URLs. :param length: Length of string if specified, default value from settings :return: Randomized secret (string) """ length = int(length) if int(length) <= 255 else 255 return ''.join( random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(length) )
[docs]def build_invite_url(invite, request): """ Return invite URL for a project invitation. :param invite: ProjectInvite object :param request: HTTP request :return: URL (string) """ return request.build_absolute_uri( reverse('projectroles:invite_accept', kwargs={'secret': invite.secret}) )
[docs]def get_expiry_date(): """ Return expiry date based on current date + INVITE_EXPIRY_DAYS :return: DateTime object """ return + timezone.timedelta(days=INVITE_EXPIRY_DAYS)
[docs]def get_app_names(): """Return list of names for locally installed non-django apps""" ret = [] for a in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: s = a.split('.') if s[0] not in ['django', settings.SITE_PACKAGE]: if len(s) > 1 and 'apps' in s: ret.append('.'.join(s[0 : s.index('apps')])) else: ret.append(s[0]) return sorted(ret)
[docs]def set_user_group(user): """Set user group based on user name.""" if user.username.find('@') != -1: group_name = user.username.split('@')[1].lower() else: group_name = SODAR_CONSTANTS['SYSTEM_USER_GROUP'] group, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name=group_name) if group not in user.groups.all(): group.user_set.add(user) return group_name