Source code for projectroles.app_settings

"""Project and user settings API"""
import json

from projectroles.models import AppSetting, APP_SETTING_TYPES, SODAR_CONSTANTS
from projectroles.plugins import get_app_plugin, get_active_plugins

# SODAR constants

# Local constants

[docs]class AppSettingAPI: @classmethod def _check_project_and_user(cls, scope, project, user): """ Ensure one of the project and user parameters is set. :param scope: Scope of Setting (USER, PROJECT, PROJECT_USER) :param project: Project object :param user: User object :raise: ValueError if none or both objects exist """ if scope == APP_SETTING_SCOPE_PROJECT: if not project: raise ValueError('Project unset for setting with project scope') if user: raise ValueError('User set for setting with project scope') elif scope == APP_SETTING_SCOPE_USER: if project: raise ValueError('Project set for setting with user scope') if not user: raise ValueError('User unset for setting with user scope') elif scope == APP_SETTING_SCOPE_PROJECT_USER: if not project: raise ValueError( 'Project unset for setting with project_user scope' ) if not user: raise ValueError( 'User unset for setting with project_user scope' ) @classmethod def _check_scope(cls, scope): """ Ensure the validity of a scope definition. :param scope: String :raise: ValueError if scope is not recognized """ if scope not in VALID_SCOPES: raise ValueError('Invalid scope "{}"'.format(scope)) @classmethod def _check_type(cls, setting_type): """ Ensure the validity of app setting type. :param setting_type: String :raise: ValueError if type is not recognized """ if setting_type not in APP_SETTING_TYPES: raise ValueError('Invalid setting type "{}"'.format(setting_type)) @classmethod def _get_json_value(cls, value): """ Return JSON value as dict regardless of input type :param value: Original value (string or dict) :raise: json.decoder.JSONDecodeError if string value is not valid JSON :raise: ValueError if value type is not recognized or if value is not valid JSON :return: dict """ if not value: return {} try: if isinstance(value, str): return json.loads(value) else: json.dumps(value) # Ensure this is valid return value except Exception: raise ValueError('Value is not valid JSON: {}'.format(value)) @classmethod def _compare_value(cls, setting_obj, input_value): """ Compare input value to value in an AppSetting object :param setting_obj: AppSetting object :param input_value: Input value (string, int, bool or dict) :return: Bool """ if setting_obj.type == 'JSON': return setting_obj.value_json == cls._get_json_value(input_value) elif setting_obj.type == 'BOOLEAN': # TODO: Also do conversion on input value here if necessary return bool(int(setting_obj.value)) == input_value return setting_obj.value == str(input_value)
[docs] @classmethod def get_default_setting(cls, app_name, setting_name, post_safe=False): """ Get default setting value from an app plugin. :param app_name: App name (string, must correspond to "name" in app plugin) :param setting_name: Setting name (string) :param post_safe: Whether a POST safe value should be returned (bool) :return: Setting value (string, integer or boolean) :raise: KeyError if nothing is found with setting_name """ app_plugin = get_app_plugin(app_name) if setting_name in app_plugin.app_settings: if app_plugin.app_settings[setting_name]['type'] == 'JSON': if not app_plugin.app_settings[setting_name].get('default'): return {} if post_safe: return json.dumps( app_plugin.app_settings[setting_name]['default'] ) return app_plugin.app_settings[setting_name]['default'] raise KeyError( 'Setting "{}" not found in app plugin "{}"'.format( setting_name, app_name ) )
[docs] @classmethod def get_app_setting( cls, app_name, setting_name, project=None, user=None, post_safe=False ): """ Return app setting value for a project or an user. If not set, return default. :param app_name: App name (string, must correspond to "name" in app plugin) :param setting_name: Setting name (string) :param project: Project object (can be None) :param user: User object (can be None) :param post_safe: Whether a POST safe value should be returned (bool) :return: String or None :raise: KeyError if nothing is found with setting_name """ try: val = AppSetting.objects.get_setting_value( app_name, setting_name, project=project, user=user ) except AppSetting.DoesNotExist: val = cls.get_default_setting(app_name, setting_name, post_safe) # Handle post_safe for dict values (JSON) if post_safe and isinstance(val, dict): return json.dumps(val) return val
[docs] @classmethod def get_all_settings(cls, project=None, user=None, post_safe=False): """ Return all setting values. If the value is not found, return the default. :param project: Project object (can be None) :param user: User object (can be None) :param post_safe: Whether POST safe values should be returned (bool) :return: Dict :raise: ValueError if neither project nor user are set """ if not project and not user: raise ValueError('Project and user are both unset') ret = {} app_plugins = get_active_plugins() for plugin in app_plugins: p_settings = cls.get_setting_defs( APP_SETTING_SCOPE_PROJECT, plugin=plugin ) for s_key in p_settings: ret[ 'settings.{}.{}'.format(, s_key) ] = cls.get_app_setting(, s_key, project, user, post_safe ) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def get_all_defaults(cls, scope, post_safe=False): """ Get all default settings for a scope. :param scope: Setting scope (PROJECT, USER or PROJECT_USER) :param post_safe: Whether POST safe values should be returned (bool) :return: Dict """ cls._check_scope(scope) ret = {} app_plugins = get_active_plugins() for plugin in app_plugins: p_settings = cls.get_setting_defs(scope, plugin=plugin) for s_key in p_settings: ret[ 'settings.{}.{}'.format(, s_key) ] = cls.get_default_setting(, s_key, post_safe) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def set_app_setting( cls, app_name, setting_name, value, project=None, user=None, validate=True, ): """ Set value of an existing project or user settings. Creates the object if not found. :param app_name: App name (string, must correspond to "name" in app plugin) :param setting_name: Setting name (string) :param value: Value to be set :param project: Project object (can be None) :param user: User object (can be None) :param validate: Validate value (bool, default=True) :return: True if changed, False if not changed :raise: ValueError if validating and value is not accepted for setting type :raise: ValueError if neither project nor user are set :raise: KeyError if setting name is not found in plugin specification """ if not project and not user: raise ValueError('Project and user are both unset') try: setting = AppSetting.objects.get( app_plugin__name=app_name, name=setting_name, project=project, user=user, ) if cls._compare_value(setting, value): return False if validate: cls.validate_setting(setting.type, value) if setting.type == 'JSON': setting.value_json = cls._get_json_value(value) else: setting.value = value return True except AppSetting.DoesNotExist: app_plugin = get_app_plugin(app_name) if setting_name not in app_plugin.app_settings: raise KeyError( 'Setting "{}" not found in app plugin "{}"'.format( setting_name, app_name ) ) s_def = app_plugin.app_settings[setting_name] s_type = s_def['type'] s_mod = ( bool(s_def['user_modifiable']) if 'user_modifiable' in s_def else True ) cls._check_scope(s_def['scope']) cls._check_project_and_user(s_def['scope'], project, user) if validate: v = cls._get_json_value(value) if s_type == 'JSON' else value cls.validate_setting(s_type, v) s_vals = { 'app_plugin': app_plugin.get_model(), 'project': project, 'user': user, 'name': setting_name, 'type': s_type, 'user_modifiable': s_mod, } if s_type == 'JSON': s_vals['value_json'] = cls._get_json_value(value) else: s_vals['value'] = value AppSetting.objects.create(**s_vals) return True
[docs] @classmethod def validate_setting(cls, setting_type, setting_value): """ Validate setting value according to its type. :param setting_type: Setting type :param setting_value: Setting value :raise: ValueError if setting_type or setting_value is invalid """ cls._check_type(setting_type) if setting_type == 'BOOLEAN': if not isinstance(setting_value, bool): raise ValueError( 'Please enter a valid boolean value ({})'.format( setting_value ) ) elif setting_type == 'INTEGER': if ( not isinstance(setting_value, int) and not str(setting_value).isdigit() ): raise ValueError( 'Please enter a valid integer value ({})'.format( setting_value ) ) elif setting_type == 'JSON': try: json.dumps(setting_value) except TypeError: raise ValueError( 'Please enter valid JSON ({})'.format(setting_value) ) return True
[docs] @classmethod def get_setting_def(cls, name, plugin=None, app_name=None): """ Return definition for a single app setting, either based on an app name or the plugin object. :param name: Setting name :param plugin: Plugin object extending ProjectAppPluginPoint :param app_name: Name of the app plugin (string) :return: Dict :raise: ValueError if neither app_name or plugin are set or if setting is not found in plugin """ if not plugin and not app_name: raise ValueError('Plugin and app name both unset') elif not plugin: plugin = get_app_plugin(app_name) if not plugin: raise ValueError( 'Plugin not found with app name "{}"'.format(app_name) ) if name not in plugin.app_settings: raise ValueError( 'App setting not found in app "{}" with name "{}"'.format(, name ) ) setting_def = plugin.app_settings[name] cls._check_type(setting_def['type']) return setting_def
[docs] @classmethod def get_setting_defs( cls, scope, plugin=False, app_name=False, user_modifiable=False ): """ Return app setting definitions of a specific scope from a plugin. :param scope: PROJECT, USER or PROJECT_USER :param plugin: project app plugin object extending ProjectAppPluginPoint :param app_name: Name of the app plugin (string) :param user_modifiable: Only return modifiable settings if True (boolean) :return: Dict :raise: ValueError if scope is invalid or if if neither app_name or plugin are set """ if not plugin and not app_name: raise ValueError('Plugin and app name both unset') if not plugin: plugin = get_app_plugin(app_name) if not plugin: raise ValueError( 'Plugin not found with app name "{}"'.format(app_name) ) cls._check_scope(scope) setting_defs = { k: v for k, v in plugin.app_settings.items() if ( 'scope' in v and v['scope'] == scope and ( not user_modifiable or ( 'user_modifiable' not in v or v['user_modifiable'] is True ) ) ) } # Ensure type validity for k, v in setting_defs.items(): cls._check_type(v['type']) return setting_defs