.. _app_projectroles_settings: Projectroles Django Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This document describes the :term:`Django settings` for the ``projectroles`` app, which also control the configuration of other apps in a SODAR Core based site. These settings are usually found in ``config/settings/*.py``, with ``config/settings/base.py`` being the default configuration other files may override or extend. If your site is based on ``sodar_django_site``, mandatory settings are already set to their default values. In that case, you only need to modify or customize them where applicable. If you are integrating django-sodar-core with an existing Django site or building your site from scratch without the recommended template, make sure to add all mandatory settings into your project. For values retrieved from environment variables, make sure to configure your env accordingly. For development and testing, it is highly recommended to set ``DJANGO_READ_DOT_ENV_FILE=1`` in your system's environment variables and place the env variables into a ``.env`` file in the root directory of your Django site repository. See ``env.example`` for an example of such a file. Site Package and Paths ====================== The site package and path configuration should be found at the beginning of the default configuration file. Substitute {SITE_NAME} with the name of your site package. .. code-block:: python import environ SITE_PACKAGE = '{SITE_NAME}' ROOT_DIR = environ.Path(__file__) - 3 APPS_DIR = ROOT_DIR.path(SITE_PACKAGE) Apps ==== Apps installed from django-sodar-core are placed in ``THIRD_PARTY_APPS``. The following apps need to be included in the list in order for SODAR Core to work: .. code-block:: python THIRD_PARTY_APPS = [ # ... 'crispy_forms', 'rules.apps.AutodiscoverRulesConfig', 'djangoplugins', 'pagedown', 'markupfield', 'rest_framework', 'knox', 'projectroles.apps.ProjectrolesConfig', 'dal', 'dal_select2', ] Database ======== Under ``DATABASES``, the setting below is recommended: .. code-block:: python DATABASES['default']['ATOMIC_REQUESTS'] = False .. note:: If this conflicts with your existing set up, you can modify the code in your other apps to use e.g. ``@transaction.atomic``. .. note:: This setting mostly is used for the ``sodar_taskflow`` transactions supported by projectroles but not commonly used, so having this setting as True *may* cause no issues. However, it is not officially supported at this time. Templates ========= Under ``TEMPLATES['OPTIONS']['context_processors']``, add the projectroles URLs processor: .. code-block:: python 'projectroles.context_processors.urls_processor', Email ===== Under ``EMAIL_CONFIGURATION`` or ``EMAIL``, configure email settings: .. code-block:: python EMAIL_SENDER = env('EMAIL_SENDER', default='noreply@example.com') EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = env('EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX', default='') Authentication ============== ``AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS`` should contain the following backend classes: .. code-block:: python AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = [ 'rules.permissions.ObjectPermissionBackend', 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', ] .. note:: The default setup by cookiecutter-django adds the ``allauth`` package. This can be left out of the project if not needed, as it mostly provides adapters for e.g. social media account logins. If removing allauth, you can also remove unused settings variables starting with ``ACCOUNT_*``. The following settings remain in your auth configuration: .. code-block:: python AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'users.User' LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = 'home' LOGIN_URL = 'login' Django REST Framework ===================== To enable ``djangorestframework`` API views and ``knox`` authentication, these values should be added under ``DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES``: .. code-block:: python REST_FRAMEWORK = { 'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES': ( 'rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication', 'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication', 'knox.auth.TokenAuthentication', ), } General Site Settings ===================== For display in projectroles based templates, customize related variables to describe your site. ``SITE_INSTANCE_TITLE`` may be used to e.g. differentiate between site versions used for deployment or staging, use in different organizations, etc. .. code-block:: python SITE_TITLE = 'Name of Your Project' SITE_SUBTITLE = env.str('SITE_SUBTITLE', 'Beta') SITE_INSTANCE_TITLE = env.str('SITE_INSTANCE_TITLE', 'Deployment Instance Name') Projectroles Settings ===================== **Mandatory** projectroles app settings are explained below: * ``PROJECTROLES_SITE_MODE``: Site mode for remote project metadata synchronization, either ``SOURCE`` (allow others to read local projects) or ``TARGET`` (read projects from another site) * ``PROJECTROLES_TARGET_CREATE``: Whether or not local projects can be created if site is in ``TARGET`` mode. If your site is in ``SOURCE`` mode, this setting has no effect. * ``PROJECTROLES_INVITE_EXPIRY_DAYS``: Days until project email invites expire (int) * ``PROJECTROLES_SEND_EMAIL``: Enable/disable email sending (bool) * ``PROJECTROLES_ENABLE_SEARCH``: Whether you want to enable SODAR search on your site (boolean) * ``PROJECTROLES_DEFAULT_ADMIN``: User name of the default superuser account used in e.g. replacing an unavailable user or performing backend admin commands (string) Example: .. code-block:: python # Projectroles app settings PROJECTROLES_SITE_MODE = env.str('PROJECTROLES_SITE_MODE', 'TARGET') PROJECTROLES_TARGET_CREATE = env.bool('PROJECTROLES_TARGET_CREATE', True) PROJECTROLES_INVITE_EXPIRY_DAYS = env.int('PROJECTROLES_INVITE_EXPIRY_DAYS', 14) PROJECTROLES_SEND_EMAIL = env.bool('PROJECTROLES_SEND_EMAIL', False) PROJECTROLES_ENABLE_SEARCH = True PROJECTROLES_DEFAULT_ADMIN = env.str('PROJECTROLES_DEFAULT_ADMIN', 'admin') Optional Projectroles Settings ============================== The following projectroles settings are **optional**: * ``PROJECTROLES_SECRET_LENGTH``: Character length of secret token used in projectroles (int) * ``PROJECTROLES_SEARCH_PAGINATION``: Amount of search results per each app to display on one page (int) * ``PROJECTROLES_HELP_HIGHLIGHT_DAYS``: Days for highlighting tour help for new users (int) * ``PROJECTROLES_DISABLE_CATEGORIES``: If set True, disable categories and only allow a list of projects on the root level (boolean) (see note) * ``PROJECTROLES_HIDE_APP_LINKS``: Apps hidden from the project sidebar and dropdown menus for non-superusers. The app views and URLs are still accessible. The names should correspond to the ``name`` property in each project app's plugin (list) * ``PROJECTROLES_DELEGATE_LIMIT``: The number of delegate roles allowed per project. The amount is limited to 1 per project if not set, unlimited if set to 0. Will be ignored for remote projects synchronized from a source site (int) * ``PROJECTROLES_BROWSER_WARNING``: If true, display a warning to users using Internet Explorer (bool) * ``PROJECTROLES_ALLOW_LOCAL_USERS``: If true, roles for local non-LDAP users can be synchronized from a source during remote project sync if they exist on the target site. Similarly, local users will be selectable in member dropdowns when selecting users (bool) Example: .. code-block:: python # Projectroles app settings # ... PROJECTROLES_SECRET_LENGTH = 32 PROJECTROLES_SEARCH_PAGINATION = 5 PROJECTROLES_HELP_HIGHLIGHT_DAYS = 7 PROJECTROLES_DISABLE_CATEGORIES = True PROJECTROLES_HIDE_APP_LINKS = ['filesfolders'] PROJECTROLES_DELEGATE_LIMIT = 1 PROJECTROLES_BROWSER_WARNING = True PROJECTROLES_ALLOW_LOCAL_USERS = True .. warning:: Regarding ``PROJECTROLES_DISABLE_CATEGORIES``: In the current SODAR core version remote site access and remote project synchronization are disabled if this option is used! Use only if a simple project list is specifically required in your site. .. warning:: Regarding ``PROJECTROLES_ALLOW_LOCAL_USERS``: Please note that this will allow synchronizing project roles to local non-LDAP users based on their **user name**. You should personally ensure that the users in question are authorized for these roles. Furthermore, only roles for **existing** local users will be synchronized. New local users will have to be added manually through the Django admin or shell on the target site. Backend App Settings ==================== The ``ENABLED_BACKEND_PLUGINS`` settings lists backend plugins implemented using ``BackendPluginPoint`` which are enabled in the configuration. For more information see :ref:`dev_backend_app`. .. code-block:: python ENABLED_BACKEND_PLUGINS = env.list('ENABLED_BACKEND_PLUGINS', None, []) SODAR API Settings (Optional) ============================= There are also settings for providing and extending the general SODAR API, which is currently in development. The API uses accept header versioning. The ``SODAR_API_MEDIA_TYPE`` setting is by default set to the SODAR Core API media type, but should preferably be changed to your organization and API identification if API views are modified or introduced. The ``SODAR_API_DEFAULT_HOST`` setting should post to the externally visible host of your server and be configured in your environment settings. These settings are **optional**. Default values will be used if they are unset. Example: .. code-block:: python SODAR_API_DEFAULT_VERSION = '0.1' SODAR_API_ACCEPTED_VERSIONS = [SODAR_API_DEFAULT_VERSION] SODAR_API_MEDIA_TYPE = 'application/vnd.bihealth.sodar-core+json' # Change this SODAR_API_DEFAULT_HOST = SODAR_API_DEFAULT_HOST = env.url('SODAR_API_DEFAULT_HOST', '') LDAP/AD Configuration (Optional) ================================ If you want to utilize LDAP/AD user logins as configured by projectroles, you can add the following configuration. Make sure to also add the related env variables to your configuration. This part of the setup is **optional**. .. note:: In order to support LDAP, make sure you have installed the dependencies from ``utility/install_ldap_dependencies.sh`` and ``requirements/ldap.txt``! For more information see :ref:`dev_sodar_core`. .. note:: If only using one LDAP/AD server, you can leave the "secondary LDAP server" values unset. .. code-block:: python ENABLE_LDAP = env.bool('ENABLE_LDAP', False) ENABLE_LDAP_SECONDARY = env.bool('ENABLE_LDAP_SECONDARY', False) if ENABLE_LDAP: import itertools import ldap from django_auth_ldap.config import LDAPSearch # Default values LDAP_DEFAULT_CONN_OPTIONS = {ldap.OPT_REFERRALS: 0} LDAP_DEFAULT_FILTERSTR = '(sAMAccountName=%(user)s)' LDAP_DEFAULT_ATTR_MAP = { 'first_name': 'givenName', 'last_name': 'sn', 'email': 'mail', } # Primary LDAP server AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = env.str('AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI', None) AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN = env.str('AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN', None) AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD = env.str('AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD', None) AUTH_LDAP_CONNECTION_OPTIONS = LDAP_DEFAULT_CONN_OPTIONS AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH = LDAPSearch( env.str('AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE', None), ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, LDAP_DEFAULT_FILTERSTR, ) AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP = LDAP_DEFAULT_ATTR_MAP AUTH_LDAP_USERNAME_DOMAIN = env.str('AUTH_LDAP_USERNAME_DOMAIN', None) AUTH_LDAP_DOMAIN_PRINTABLE = env.str( 'AUTH_LDAP_DOMAIN_PRINTABLE', AUTH_LDAP_USERNAME_DOMAIN ) AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = tuple( itertools.chain( ('projectroles.auth_backends.PrimaryLDAPBackend',), AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS, ) ) # Secondary LDAP server (optional) if ENABLE_LDAP_SECONDARY: AUTH_LDAP2_SERVER_URI = env.str('AUTH_LDAP2_SERVER_URI', None) AUTH_LDAP2_BIND_DN = env.str('AUTH_LDAP2_BIND_DN', None) AUTH_LDAP2_BIND_PASSWORD = env.str('AUTH_LDAP2_BIND_PASSWORD', None) AUTH_LDAP2_CONNECTION_OPTIONS = LDAP_DEFAULT_CONN_OPTIONS AUTH_LDAP2_USER_SEARCH = LDAPSearch( env.str('AUTH_LDAP2_USER_SEARCH_BASE', None), ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, LDAP_DEFAULT_FILTERSTR, ) AUTH_LDAP2_USER_ATTR_MAP = LDAP_DEFAULT_ATTR_MAP AUTH_LDAP2_USERNAME_DOMAIN = env.str('AUTH_LDAP2_USERNAME_DOMAIN') AUTH_LDAP2_DOMAIN_PRINTABLE = env.str( 'AUTH_LDAP2_DOMAIN_PRINTABLE', AUTH_LDAP2_USERNAME_DOMAIN ) AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = tuple( itertools.chain( ('projectroles.auth_backends.SecondaryLDAPBackend',), AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS, ) ) Modifying SODAR_CONSTANTS (Optional) ==================================== String identifiers used globally in SODAR project management are defined in the ``SODAR_CONSTANTS`` dictionary. It can be imported into your app code with the import: .. code-block:: python from projectroles.models import SODAR_CONSTANTS If you need to update or extend the constants for use your site, you can import the default dictionary into your Django settings and modify it as necessary with the following snippet: .. code-block:: python from projectroles.constants import get_sodar_constants SODAR_CONSTANTS = get_sodar_constants(default=True) # Your changes here.. .. warning:: Modifying existing default constants may result in unwanted issues, especially on a site which already contains created projects. Proceed with caution! Logging (Optional) ================== It is recommended to add "projectroles" under ``LOGGING['loggers']``. For production, ``INFO`` debug level is recommended.