.. _app_bgjobs_install: Bgjobs Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This document provides instructions and guidelines for installing the ``bgjobs`` app to be used with your SODAR Core enabled Django site. .. warning:: To install this app you **must** have the ``django-sodar-core`` package installed and the ``projectroles`` app integrated into your Django site. See the :ref:`projectroles integration document ` for instructions. Django Settings =============== The bgjobs app is available for your Django site after installing ``django-sodar-core``. Add the app into ``THIRD_PARTY_APPS`` as follows: .. code-block:: python THIRD_PARTY_APPS = [ # ... 'bgjobs.apps.BgjobsConfig', ] URL Configuration ================= In the Django URL configuration file, add the following line under ``urlpatterns`` to include bgjobs URLs in your site. .. code-block:: python urlpatterns = [ # ... url(r'^bgjobs/', include('bgjobs.urls')), ] Migrate Database and Register Plugin ==================================== To migrate the Django database and register the bgjobs app and job type plugins, run the following management command: .. code-block:: console $ ./manage.py migrate In addition to the database migration operation, you should see the following output: .. code-block:: console Registering Plugin for bgjobs.plugins.ProjectAppPlugin Registering Plugin for bgjobs.plugins.BackgroundJobsPluginPoint Celery Setup ============ **TODO**