SODAR Core Development

This document details instructions and guidelines for development of the SODAR Core package.

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Instructions on how to install a local development version of SODAR Core. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) is the supported OS at this time. System dependencies may vary for different OS versions or distributions.

System Installation

First you need to install OS dependencies, PostgreSQL 9.6 and Python3.6.

$ sudo utility/
$ sudo utility/
$ sudo utility/

Database Setup

Create a PostgreSQL user and a database for your application. In the example, we use sodar_core for the database, user name and password. Make sure to give the user the permission to create further PostgreSQL databases (used for testing).

$ sudo su - postgres
$ psql
$ CREATE DATABASE sodar_core;
$ CREATE USER sodar_core WITH PASSWORD 'sodar_core';
$ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE sodar_core to sodar_core;
$ \q

You have to add the credentials in the environment variable DATABASE_URL. For development it is recommended to place this variable in an .env file and set DJANGO_READ_DOT_ENV_FILE=1 in your actual environment. See config/settings/ for more information.

$ export DATABASE_URL='postgres://sodar_core:sodar_core@'

Project Setup

Clone the repository, setup and activate the virtual environment. Once in the environment, install Python requirements for the project:

$ git clone git+
$ cd sodar_core
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p python3.6 .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ utility/

LDAP Setup (Optional)

If you will be using LDAP/AD auth on your site, make sure to also run:

$ sudo utility/
$ pip install -r requirements/ldap.txt

Final Setup

Initialize the database (this will also synchronize django-plugins):

$ ./ migrate

Create a Django superuser for the example_site:

$ ./ createsuperuser

Now you should be able to run the server:

$ ./


To run unit tests, you have to install the headless Chrome driver (if not yet present on your system), followed by the Python test requirements:

$ sudo utility/
$ pip install -r requirements/test.txt

Now you can run all tests with the following script:

$ ./

If you want to only run a certain subset of tests, use e.g.:

$ ./ projectroles.tests.test_views

For running tests with SODAR Taskflow (not currently publicly available), you can use the supplied shortcut script:

$ ./


SODAR Core is currently in active development in a private BIH repository. The public GitHub repository is primarily intended for publishing stable releases. Furthermore, the issue IDs within the code and documentation point to our private issue tracker unless otherwise mentioned.